Monday, June 05, 2006

Second Week Back In The Saddle

Took interferon Shot Number 19 today. The shot was uneventful. It's six days since my last -- I want to get back on a Friday nigh shot night schedule. Ifx and a cc of Neupogen for good measure. Thanks to the break and some apallingly expensive drugs, I'm also back on the full dose of ribavirin. I took my evening pills, along with my weird anti-depressant (Elavil) that is supposed to help me sleep. It seemed to work pretty well on the earlier go-round, but for the past few nights I've found myself awake between 0200 and 0300. I'm fidgety.

I was Being Encouraging in one of the forums about how glad I am to be back on treatment -- a guy with 4 weeks to go was getting really down.

"I'm back on treatment and have now learned to appreciate the headache, the heartburn, the weird sleeping patterns, the falling hair, the grumpy moods, all of it. It means that I'm fighting which beats hell out of waiting and seeing. That's how I feel now, the first week back, I wrote, Helpfully.

Obviously the meds hadn't fully kicked in yet.

"I'm sure I'll be as whiny as usual in a couple of weeks," adding my disclaimer like the fine print on a car add. I can tell it's on the way.

Best go to bed.

1 comment:

carol said...

Hi Chris,

Just a couple of things. Are they going to do a PCR in a few weeks to see if the enforced break has done any damage? Also are they tagging the missed doses onto the end of treatment to give you the best chance of clearing?
Take care,
