Monday, January 30, 2006

Beginning Week 3

But first, a review of Week 2. Took the second shot on Friday and was up but loggy all Saturday. Sunday I didn't get out of bed. I had all the sides -- body aches, fever, chills, coughing, sneezing, congestion ... sneezing? My wife went back to the web and the package inserts. Nothing about sneezing there. I had a garden variety cold. And it was fast turning into a sinus infection. Explained a lot. I'm now halfway through a round of antibiotics and doing better with it. I worked all week, but fortunately I work from home and spend a lot of time on teleconferences and doing heads-down work at the computer. I did have to take off on Friday afternoon -- I was dizzy and totally flaked out. Certainly in no shape to take another shot of Interferon. But that's what I needed to do.

It's Monday now and more than anything else, I'm tired. Dead tired. I'm trying to get started working, but along with being tired. I'm having a hard time caring. That may be a side as well. I'm wondering whether the depression associated with this stuff is something systemic, or is it just a rational reaction to the prospect of a year's worth of feeling like this. In my weaker moments I can really start feeling sorry for myself which is just plain dumb. Waste of time and I have too much going on.

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