Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Correction -- This Is Week 11!

Mid-week check-in.

Replying to Carol's note to my previous post, yes, I'm definitely hitting something. I'm really foggy. Example: this is Week 11, not Week 10. I was really surprised to see only two syringes in the box on Friday.

My motivation is somewhere around zero, yet I have this weird inertia. Once I start doing something I just continue doing it. But it's really hard to get started. Emotionally, I'm kind of crabby, but no more anger like I experienced a couple of weeks ago.

The physical aspects are really improving. I was up all day Saturday and was really active all day. Shot a good round of skeet (22 of 25). That's good for me; I haven't shot in six months or more. Quality time with the kid was an important bonus.

Sunday I crashed and slept close to four hours in the afternoon.

Monday and Tuesday at work have been challenging to say the least. I work with lots of complex things and inter-relationships, not to mention lots of people. There are a lot of plates in the air and I have to have an idea where they all are.

A friend of mine is a Genotype 1 relapser. We were planning on going to a support group meeting, but it was cancelled. I detect a change in that relationship. It seems he's starting to lean on me more where at the start of this I was really leaning on him. That's fair - I've got a good chance of seeing this thing go into remission and being done with it. He could be facing a transplant in the next few years. Little dose of reality there. My friend does a good job of keeping my perspective straight.

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