Sunday, October 16, 2005

Test results

The gastro doc called me yesterday -- Saturday, to my surprise. My test results are in.

I have genotype 4. I'm told that genotype is more responsive to treatment.

My viral load is 3.9 million. I'd be interested in learning how they calculate that, but according to the doc, it's a moderate load.

My liver enzymes are ALT = 203 and AST = 76. That's higher than last month's and he recommends treatment.

In the best case, I'm looking at a six-month case of flu. Hopefully that will be the extent of it. My wife continues to swear that I don't look good, I continue to swear that I feel fine, I just don't sleep enough (bad habit of staying up too late staring at a computer and writing stuff....). I ran a couple of miles on Friday. Actually cut it short because I felt sorry for my dog -- she's an Australian shepherd and I walk her off the leash at night. She is getting older and slowing down. Poor puppy was 100 yards behind me most of the way.

The big chore will be telling my kids. My wife already clued my son in. I had delayed letting them know because I didn't want the questions hanging over them. But now it's time. I at least have some answers. Not all -- I never will. Mortality is never a fun topic, but when it's your own or that of someone you love, well it's tougher.

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