Tuesday, November 08, 2005

More medical stuff

Last week, the biopsy, this week the dreaded colonoscopy. This was totally unrelated to the hepatitis thing. I lost my dad to colon cancer last year and the doc wanted a look. Who am I to refuse? I was, thankfully, not present for the procedure.

I will spare you the details of the prep except to say that the best thing I did was not to put any flavoring in the brew they made me drink (let's just say that its effect was to provide the physician an unobstructed view). There were several little flavor packets (sort of like diet Kool-Aid) attached to the 4-liter jug. The pharmacist suggested I pick a flavor I wasn't too fond of since I would forever associate the flavor with the experience to come. I took it straight. It tasted like baking soda. If I'm to have a flavor forever ruined, that may as well be it.

Like the biopsy, the procedure itself was pretty simple for me. The drugs they gave me were pretty high-end. Demerol and something that whacked my short-term memory. I lay down and Doc warned me that I might feel the meds in the IV. I felt a warmth in my chest and the next thing I knew I was sitting in bed chatting, albeit groggily, with a nurse. Afterwards my wife and I were at breakfast and I realized that I could not remember getting there. Twelve hours later I'm still a bit foggy.

Biopsy results

Just realized I hadn't posted my biopsy results here yet. I have "moderate" inflamation (scored 3 out of 4) and "mild" scarring (scored 2 out of 4) with no signs of cirrhosis. Not surprisingly, the doc recommends treatment.

I asked him about a timetable. He recommends I start within the year. He agreed with my analogy that this is more like a slow leak in the basement than a fire in the attic. I plan to start treatment after the holidays.

As chronic and potentially deadly conditions go, I guess this one isn't so bad. I'm facing inconvenience. I think of our friend with ovarian cancer. She has taken a bad turn. Once more I refocus on what is important. I'll take care of business and count my blessings.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Anne said...


I also have hep c (geno 1b)and have had it since 1976 probably. Have had one round of treatment with Ribavirin and peg-interferon for 48 weeks and relapsed as soon as I was done. I just recently had another biopsy and am at 2/4 and 2/4 for both. After much discussion with the doc I am starting treatment in the January again. I wish you luck with your treatment and will keep track of your journey. If it's ok with you I am would like to add a link to your blog from mine. Anyway wishing you all the best in your journey!
