Still in my undies...
Just posted the following to the Hep C Nomads Forum and to the UK Forum
Hi all --Not much else to say. The kids are great, Spouse is going crazy with her new job (office manager in junior high school). Eldest is away at school being a dormitory Resident Assistant (kind of a designated adult/babysitter) and Orientation Leader (sell the school to prospective students). It's paying for this semester. She has gotten very serious with a young man we've known for a while. And they're up there with no curfew! Difficult for a dad to get his head around.
Haven't been here in a while, partly because I had no new news, and partly because I've been crazy busy. But I wanted to share this. I dropped off the sample for my 18-month post tx bloods a couple of weeks ago and just got the call from Doc. UNDIE-tectable! Doc, being a conservative fellow, says I'm "still in remission." I look at it like this: It's gone. It's stayed gone. There's nothing to make me think it will be back ever! I'm done and I feel great. No significant souvenirs of treatment that aren't attributable to the calendar.
To those facing the start of treatment: You have to make your decision based on your situation, but I'm proof that there are good outcomes.
To those in the throes of treatment: Hang in there. There's a finish line and it's worth the work to get there. This bug is beatable, but you have to do your part. When you really start feeling sorry for yourself (you do, admit it!) consider the blessing of being reminded of your own mortality without having to actually face it.
To everyone dealing with this disease either directly or indirectly: There are good results. Keep in mind that this group's post-tx crowd is skewed toward those who didn't have a good outcome. They're still feeling lousy and still need and deserve support. Those of us who have been blessed with a successful outcome have the opportunity (not to mention the responsibility) to make up for six months, a year or more of being out of commission.
All best,
Middle (aka Son) is a senior in high school. He is the student body president (as was Eldest) and is playing football. We're having the doors widened so he can get his head through them.
Youngest has also decided to follow the example of the older two and entered school politics as freshman class president. I showed her the "Destiny" clip from Young Frankenstein. Spouse and I wonder at the wisdom of her taking on student government. She's the smart one of the bunch and is in lots of advanced placement classes. "Stugo" takes a lot of time out. On the other hand it's fun and keeps her from burrowing too deeply into the books.
On the whole we've got things down to boring. I'll take boring. Guess that's the definition of middle-age: you learn to appreciate boring.
I found out I have HCV about a month ago. I am still waiting to see the gastro doc for the first consultation. My viral load was "only" 8200. The family doc said that is really low and a good sign. It was good seeing this post and I will probably refer to it if I have to go through the treatments. Thanks.
Hi Chris good to see you about & that your doing so well....
The Doctor on the Nomads forum asked whether more people get SVR by participating in online forums...
I think the chances must be higher so many drop out thru lack of support & knowledge...
I think its important people like you and I stick around and show others theres hope in clearing the virus and feeling well...
Good Luck in all you do and keep those undies on...PXXX
Wow! The First Month! There's a lot to get your head around. You have a disease that might or might not kill you sometime between now and thirty years from now. You might have had it for twenty years. Or more. Or you might have acquired it last year. If you decide to treat, the treatment will probably make you feel lousy, but it might not. The treatment might cure the disease and allow you to put the whole thing behind you and get on with your life. But it might not. The virus might come back. But it might not. The treatment may cure the virus, but it might leave scars.
There are no guarantees. In other words, it's just like the rest of real life. You face at least as much risk from the drunk driver coming at you as you do from the disease. But it's easier to ignore the drunk. Unless he crosses into your lane.
Keep reading and studying and make an informed decision. Best of luck, blessings, and best wishes.
Please keep me posted. I may neglect this blog for long stretches, but I get alerted to posts.
To Pixie,
It wouldn't surprise me at all if participation in some kind of support, whether online or in-person, or over the phone, doesn't improve compliance and follow-through. I had help from a friend of a friend who went through an early version of the interferon treatment five years before me as well as from the great online communities. They were both helpful and informative and helped me keep my priorities straight. I'll be about -- consider it repaying the debt that got me to SVR.
I am genotype 3a and I saw the GI doctor yesterday. He was very encouraging. I will most likely start treatment after Christmas.
Hey Chris, just caught up on your log. I know what you mean, I accept boring these days too ... sort of means security and everything is ok.
Fishy x
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