Sunday, June 11, 2006

Every Day A New Adventure!

My wife and older daughter went to California for a niece's high school graduation party. That left me at home with my son (14) and daughter (12). I had everything lined out. Son was going to a football day camp Friday evening, Daughter went to her friend's house to spend the night, and I went over to friends' house for a boys' night where we planned to do manly stuff like eat brisket and watch war movies. I'd just settled down to my first sandwich and The Great Escape was all queued up when my cell phone rang. It's coach. My son broke his arm. He's on his way to the emergency room.

Friend's son is also good friends with my son and he wanted to go, so we headed out. It was an ER in a college town on a Friday night. Do the math. At least school isn't in session. It took us 25 minutes to drive across town. Son and the coach had arrived about 15 minutes before us. He was in a fair amount of pain. Looking at the X-ray, it's obvious why. This is the view before they set it.

We waited for an hour in the waiting room before they got us in to see a triage nurse. Then it was another hour in a back room waiting for the doc. They had to put him out in order to set the bone. That was another hour. Finally they started an IV and dripped some get-high drugs into him. He enjoyed it way too much. And he spilled his guts to me, which was interesting, and a fair relief -- no earth-shattering revelations. It led me to wonder why we have all the ruckus in Iraq over harsh questioning. Load 'em up with this stuff and have a pleasant chat.

It took another hour for him to come down from the drugs enough to walk out. He was feeling a bit woozy with a hangover, so they gave him a basin. By that time it was approaching midnight. We drove back to Friend's house and let Son walk around. They were still up, fortunately. The basin came in handy. Friend's wife is like a second mother to Son (as my wife is to Young Friend), so she kindly held the bucket when the hangover caught up with him.

Did I mention that I'm on hepatitis C treatment? By this time I'm getting tired. Home to bed. Pain meds for Son, ribavirin and Elavil for me. Tomorrow I'm on the phone trying to find a pediatric ortho. If I don't have an appointment lined up by noon, we're going to the ER of Phoenix Children's.

But tonight, I have to take a hit of interferon. Oh, by the way, I have to be on a call at 6:00 AM. Good night!


Sue, Toronto said...

Hi Chris,

Ouch on the x-ray. Hope your son is feeling okay. Account of his "spilling his guts" very funny. Great to hear that nothing was earth shattering. A good friend of mine had a similar experience with her daughter in the hospital on pain meds recently, with much more distressing outcome.

Your Phoenix road rules for summer are hysterical! You sound very good Chris. Take care,

Chris said...

Hi, Sue. As my latest note indicates, things are pretty good with my son. Now it's just some healing time. He's thrilled about that.

Phoenix Road Rules at their simplest boil down to the Golden Rule, proving Robert A. Heinlein's dictum, "An armed society is a polite society." I'll stop there lest I get all political on you.