Thursday, February 23, 2006

End of week 5 (correction! Week 6) check-in

First of all, thanks for the encouraging comments. I have my share of prayers, good thoughts and positive vibrations coming my way. Much appreciated.

The doc had another hemoglobin test run last week, some 5 days after the previous and called me to say the results were about the same as previously. So, I'm at least not going downhill. This week has been comparatively good. The Elavil seems to be helping me (not to mention my wife) sleep. The biggest annoyance right now is the cold/allergies that has my nose and sinuses congested. I don't think it's all sides -- my youngest is home from school today with a sinus infection and displaying many of the same symptoms I have. I went through a round of antibiotics a couple of weeks ago. This week the General Practitioner gave me a new allergy pill and nose spray.

Although the week has been pretty good, I'm starting to see a pattern of really slowing down on Thursday. I suspect it's the time-release characteristic of the PEG added to the interferon. In any case, I'm pretty tired today and should probably be lying down between phone calls. Last call coming up, and then I take up a prone position.

Cheers all!

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